Who are we?

We are an NGO based in Prague, Czech Republic, offering local and international activities based on non-formal education. We have a passion for active and innovative learning methods such as game-based learning, theatre and storytelling.

Our intention

Our team of trainers, youth workers and educators aims to support intercultural dialogue, active citizenship, environmental and global education, and the creation of links between formal and non-formal education by providing educational opportunities both for young people and those working with them. We strongly believe we can make the world a better place through education, and that education can be (and should be) fun and engaging!

What do our participants say about us?
Rebeka Kupihár, Hungary:
"I am totally satisfied and amazed by your work. The training course was far beyond my expectations. I didn't expect sooo much of learning (I mean it in a good way) I gained a lot more practical knowledge, than I expected."
Rosie Wilson, UK:
“Lucie, Bara and Carmine are all inspiring facilitators who bring joy, energy, expertise and challenge to participants through the variety and pace of the training. A huge amount of thought clearly goes into every encounter, session, day and the week as a whole. This is evident in everything that they do, from how they negotiate dinner, to how they guide you through difficult and challenging topics. Thank you so much for letting me learn from you!”
Aisling Cowan, Ireland:
“The training course was a fun, exciting, interesting, integrated learning experience that has taught me many things that I have brought back to 'normal life'. You guys at Vice Versa made a brilliant job of facilitation. You very quickly brought a large diverse group to be working together in a very short space of time.”
Isadora Freitas, Portugal:
“The training course was a magical experience to get in touch with my own feelings and skills and to embrace all those shared by others. It exceeded my expectations. I never thought that one week was enough to harmonize my thoughts, absorb so much inspiration and learn so many tools. The trainers and organisers were absolutely great. Bára's energy is contagious, Carmine speaks with a passion that can ground us to every word he is saying, Lucie is an amazing communicator.“